I write to thank you for all that we have accomplished with your past support and to ask you for your continued help. Three 4th grade classes at Conte/West Hills School in New Haven will assist.
The classes visited the Museum a few weeks ago to construct ElectriCity housesmodel houses which light up with one or two circuits. Their thank-you notes illustrate what's important in our work.
Above, Daisha labels her project (next to Janaisha's). Daisha's house radiates lines to proclaim that her light is working. We work to inspire experiment and possession.
An ideal class will...
1. See a project in all its components.
2. Construct It.*
3. Map its meaning.
4. Abstract its concepts.
5. Infuse it with personal color and identity.
6. Breathe in the legacy that surrounds learning here.*
*Hand sculptures by Sylvie Rosenthal (2001)displayed in workshop.
Experiment is not a luxury.
It is the freedom that inspires ownership of learning. When you give to our Annual Appeal, you underwrite the materials, design, preparation and people essential to experiment. You support electrical connections and personal connections. You make it possible for a Director to take time to learn from exceptional students.