Weaving and Engineering with Ancient Cultures

Eli Whitney Museum

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Ages 9-12
9 am- 3pm

Thumbnail of Weaving and Engineering with Ancient Cultures project

On October 10, 2022, we will honor the indigenous ingenuity of ancient South American civilizations. Explore and engineer ancient looms through intricately patterned weavings honoring the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas. Each of these cultures used weaving to express their traditions, craftsmanship, and artistic expression.
Build your own loom and learn how these machines are akin to modern programming. Design your weaving “code” and implement this to write a program you will follow.

Then apply your new skills and delve into making your own version of ancient patterns through weaving. Tell your own story, and narrate your point of view using color, wool, texture, and pattern in the tradition of these vast cultures brimming with art and tradition.

Learn about each of these ancient cultures and how weaving was integral to their history and ways of life:

The Mayan “corte” and “huipil” are part of traditional women's clothes and convey a personal history through their design and illustration.

The Aztec culture was instilled with weaving, spinning, and dying. The women of the Aztec Empire were buried with their weaving tools- a testament to how fundamental this skill and their equipment were.

The Incas used a process called “twining”, braiding threads by hand. This was very laborious work which gave them the ability to process detailed patterns. These depicted Incan lives, culture, mythology, animals, and environment.

Fee: $85
Educator: Elliot Romo Kurek

We strive to make our programs accessible to all. Please give us a call at 203.777.1833 to discuss opportunities for financial aid or sponsor a scholarship.

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