2011 Summer Program
- Mon, Jul 11 - Jul 15, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
- Designed for ages 5, 6 and 7
- 245.00 per child
- By Alex Mahler-Haug, Senior Designer
Build a Chalet de Poulet to roost your egg-laying, strutting Black Australorp or Silver Laced Wyandotte. (Or make a duck, a swan or goose instead of a chicken.) Make a peacock whose beautiful painted tail display you make open and close.
Construct a Paddlewheel Duck or Swan boat (with ducklings or cygnets) to flap their way across the Museum's Waterlab's ponds. Perhaps invent an egg delivery system for your coop.
Part of your tuition will send chicks to families in South America through Heifer International (www.heifer.org).